I don't know about you but I loooove me some hockey smut. So I was super excited when I came across Toni Aleo's Assasins series. What I wasn't expecting was to fall in love and adore every guy in this series. Each book is filled with scenes that make your heart flutter and then laugh out loud at the quirky banter. There are even a couple tear jerker moments. Another wonderful aspect of Toni's writing is the women, they are more human than most characters. They are not shaped like a poles but are shaped like real woman. They suffer from the same insecurities and self doubt that we all suffer from. I found myself reading the same thoughts that have wrecked havoc in my own mind, running through the characters minds. While some readers have reviewed Toni's written as repetitive and too long, I found that it makes more sense that way. Most romance inspired books are too perfect even if they have obstacles, they are easily overcame.
While we would all love to find that one wonderful perfect match, it doesn't always work out that way. Most of us suffer a few heartbreaks along the way and each time leave deeper scars Relationships take time and the more insecurities and trust issues a person has, the more time it takes to break through those walls. To me, Toni's writing is like reading a story about a real life relationship. Because of this, it creates deep connections and feelings in the reader. You will find your chest fluttering and your heart pounding right along with the characters.
I devoured this whole series in less than a week and can hardly wait to for Laces and Lace to come out November 24, 2014 (More Hockey! Yay!!).
Find link to buy all 6 books of The Assassins Series below.
The Assassins books 1-5 for $7.99:
#6 Breaking Away for $3.99: